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Unit 11 progression

Progression Mind Map:


This mind map shows my options for the future and what I would like for them to be. I have shown the positives or what I want from the path in green and the negatives in red.

mindmap new.PNG

My Personality Type:


I am a INTP-T meaning I am a Logician. To find this, we had to do a quiz on 16personalities ( and fill out the answers that relate to us the most.

My personality means I am someone with the introverted, intuitive, thinking and prospecting personality traits. 


(16personalities, n.d.)

My strengths as an INTP are that I am analytical, original, open-minded, curious and objective. To keep it short, people with my personality type are analytical yet imaginative, we are driven by curiosity, and we are honest to others.


My weaknesses as an INTP are that I can be disconnected from reality, insensitive despite good intentions, dissatisfied with life, impatient and perfectionistic.


I believe my results are semi-accurate. I think that I am imaginative, honest and curious about what is around me, and I can suffer from perfectionism and dissatisfaction with my current standing in life. Another thing that is accurate is that they have presented me as a Turbulent Logician, meaning I struggle to stay calm when plans change last minute and I am prone to being disappointed with what I have achieved in life. I find personally that I am constantly striving for approval and recognition that I find that I can never be truly proud of what I achieve. Furthermore, it also states that my personality type prefers having a small friendship group and that I struggle with conflict. I agree with this as I hate being in any sort of argument no matter who the person but especially with people I love. However, I think that my results suggest that I believe I am above others which I think is inaccurate despite being prone to comparing myself to them. Normally when I compare myself to others, I think that I am below them and I try to start thinking of ways how I can improve my skill set to  stand out from them. I also believe that I rely on feelings as much as thoughts, depending on my mood and the situation - which in fact would make me an INFP - however, the results did say it was a very close call between the two with the results being 48:52. 


I find it surprising that it said I could be insensitive at times to others, even if it did mention it’s with good intentions, however there are sometimes where I have been talking with friends and they’ve called me out on a comment which they didn’t like, despite me not thinking anything ill of it. I would like to improve myself on that and learn to be careful with what I am saying in the future and understand people can misinterpret the meaning of what I say, and I need to be careful with how I say things. I also want to improve myself so I don't have the toxic mentality of comparing myself to others as it's not healthy. I hope in the future to be able to be proud of what I have achieved without worrying if it's below average or not.


I also find it surprising that they say that I am analytical as I am someone who never exceeded in logical or academic subjects and always preferred the creative and artistic subjects. However, I can understand if they mean I am analytical in a way that I process things such as instructions or directions. I always find myself calculating the best possible way to complete tasks that results in me gaining recognition or the highest grade while being efficient and sparing myself time to complete other things that I desire to. 



16personalities, n.d. INTP Personality. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 8 September 2022].



To continue our progression, we had to sign up to UCAS to look into potential universities for our future. Here is me signed in to my account:


I then went through potential universities and added them to my favourites list. I tried to find universities close to home or near where my dad lives.


UCAS Careers Quiz:


For our progression unit, we had to fill out a careers quiz that was on UCAS. It asks you a range of questions which describes different types of jobs and then it makes a judgement based on your answers on what would be best for you. Here are my results:


I think the quiz is accurate in a sense that it's directed me towards the creative industry, and it says that I have artistic traits. However, I think the questions were very set to a certain career and for the number of questions, it would be hard to make a perfect pinpoint on the career I'm aiming for.   

Careers and University Fair:


On the 30th of September 2022, I went to a Careers fair in Canterbury to talk to people from universities and to try and gain an interest of where I would like to go. I spoke to Ravensbourne and Westminster as I have an interest in both of them universities and I have planned to go to a Ravensbourne University open day for the 15th of October, and I am planning on viewing Westminster at a later date. Here are some photos of the event. 


Top 5 Study Pathways:​


Editing & Postproduction at Ravensbourne University London


Due to wanting to go into Postproduction as a career, I was looking into a postproduction course that solely focuses on editing. It’s close by to where I currently live so I hopefully would be able to stay at home.

The positives of this choice would be that I would constantly be doing something of my interest and be improving my skills at an extreme rate as I wouldn’t be learning about other processes.

The negative of this choice is that I wouldn’t be able to proceed with any other skills like cinematography, directing, audio and filming which I do thoroughly enjoy.



Digital Film Production at Ravensbourne University London


Due to the location, I wanted to continue looking at Ravensbourne and what other courses they provide. Luckily, I found this one which would teach me the skills that I would lack in the Editing and Postproduction course.

The positives of the course would be that I would be making films like I am now and improving more than just my editing skill.

The negatives of the course would be that it doesn’t focus on editing and I most likely would not be able to go into postproduction while further looking at this course.



Television Production at University of Westminster


I decided that I would need to look at multiple universities and after conversing with my tutor, I was recommended to research the University of Westminster. It is based in Harrow which isn’t too far from home, but I would have to get accommodation and there is a Television Production course which is more practical than analysis: which is what I am looking for.

The positives of the course would be I would be working on every part of the industry like directing, editing, cinematography, camerawork and audio and I would also have the freedom to still decide whether postproduction is the right path for me during and after university.

The negatives would be finding accommodation and affording it. It also harder to be accepted into the University of Westminster than Ravensbourne.



Filmmaking at University of Sussex


Another university I looked at was the University of Sussex. They have a filmmaking course which, the same as Westminster, allows me to practice skills in every department of film production. I investigated this university as I love Brighton and this university is right next door.

The positives of the course would be that I would learn filmmaking as well as aspects of media as looking at their modules, they allow filmmaking students to take on some media specialised subjects.

The negatives would be that it’s quite far from home and I would have to get accommodation. It might become very expensive.



Gap year


I wanted to make sure I have a plan that I could take in case I decide that university would not be the choice for me or if I want to focus on something else before continuing education, so I investigated having a gap year.

The positives of having a gap year would be that I would be in work and earning money ready for university or other plans. It also allows me to take a break from education before working hard to earn my degree.

The negatives of having a gap year are the feeling that I would lose my motivation and not do as well as in university due to not being used to doing coursework as much. I have a feeling that I might forget important things.

Progression Sheet:


Task 1: Identify a subject, topic or career of interest to you. Record it here:


  • Media

  • Film Production

  • Post-Production

  • ​

Task 2: Research related courses.


  • Editing and Post-Production

  • Television Production

  • Filmmaking

  • Film Production

  • ​

Task 3: What courses are of most interest to you?


  • Editing

  • Television Production

  • Film Production

  • ​

Task 4: Identify the universities and colleges running your selected course, then complete this table.


Ravensbourne University Open Day:


On the 15th of October, I visited Ravensbourne University in London to gather what it's like and what they can offer me if I choose to study therre. 


At the open day, I was introduced to their staff, courses, facilities and optional modules which could interest me into choosing this university. I sat in a talk about the television production course, and it explained to me what I would be learning, creating and potential opportunities that I could volunteer for. What I liked about Ravensbourne is that it's a very creative focused based university and create a lot of opportunities for students to create connections within the industry and gain experience working with professionals. However, the university is located just outside of London in Greenwich making it hard to get to if I were to commute every day and also expensive however, accommodation is also expensive due to it being so close to the capital. After the open day, I found myself looking into two courses that may be of interest to me and they were television production and editing and post-production.

Personal Statement First Draft:


With being in the generation where I was able to grow up with the technology to view incredible content, for instance extraordinary action films such as The Matrix or Daredevil or thrilling dramas such as The Imitation Game, I gained the interest of using editing and film as a creative output. With immediate family within the media industry, I have had the privilege of this interest since I was a child since I first started trying to create silly movies with my friends at home or watching music videos on YouTube and being astounded by the effects and story.


I am currently studying a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Film & Television course which has given me so many opportunities to build my practical skills. While studying, I have learnt how to effectively use a camera to its full ability, the effectiveness of using different lighting techniques, how to record high-quality sound for my projects, and how to edit to a high standard with not only basic cutting footage and audio but implementing effects wherever deemed necessary. Due to this course, I am confident in 3 different editing software’s – Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid, and Davinci Resolve – and I have developed research and referencing skills when it came to my analysis work. While on the course I have managed to make multiple films of different genres such as action, comedy, documentary, and horror which have all contributed to improving my filmmaking skills and techniques. I have also developed skills which have helped with working with others, generating ideas, becoming more punctual and building more confidence within myself.


In my own time, I find myself practicing songs on multiple instruments such as guitar, bass, and piano. Not only has having music as a hobby been beneficial to me as a person, such as teaching me perseverance, building self-confidence, and improving my patience, but it allowed me to study music at a GCSE level, where I learned how beneficial music is to film and television, allowing me to implement one of my loved hobbies with my future career path. Furthermore, another one of my hobbies is videogaming. Especially when it comes to cinematic, story-telling games such as Detroit: Become Human, or The Last of Us, I find joy in immersing myself in the playable movie and it gives me inspiration on storylines when it comes to making my own films.


In the past, I have completed several work experience opportunities. This includes editing work experience for MMS-360 Media, which required me editing an advert for a financial business, capturing photos of the Canterbury film festival, specifically of performances from talented schools in the local area, and I was given the opportunity to meet and interview Arsenal Football Club’s editing and live broadcasting team in Arsenal HQ, which allowed me to see how they edit their content and produce live interviews for Arsenal fans. Going to Arsenal taught me that editing for sport, whether it is going on television or social media, is different to the editing that I am used to, due to the change of pace and information. It was interesting to me, and I find myself lucky that I was able to see it first hand with professionals.


As I have used editing as a creative output since I was young, I gain satisfaction from creating and viewing the final product. A career in post-production would be beneficial to me and I wish to develop my editing skills to a professional level so I can reach my goal. However, I also enjoy the innovative process of producing media so continuing to explore cinematography and improving my camerawork skills would be an incredible opportunity while continuing growing my editing skills to a proficient level.


As a passionate, ambitious individual, I am determined to explore film and television production at higher, professional level – specifically in post-production – within an inspiring and innovative environment. I hope you consider my application to your university, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Personal Statement Final:


With being in the generation where I was able to grow up with the technology to view incredible content, for instance extraordinary actions such as The Matrix or Daredevil or thrilling dramas such as The Imitation Game, I gained the interest of using editing and film as a creative output. With immediate family within the media industry, I have had the privilege of this interest since I was a child since I first started trying to create silly movies with my friends at home or watching music videos on YouTube and being astounded by the effects.


I am currently studying a UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production and technology (Film & Television) course which has given me so many opportunities to build my practical skills. While studying, I have learnt how to use a camera to its full ability, the effectiveness of using different lighting techniques, how to record high-quality sound for my projects, and how to edit to a high standard with not only cutting footage and audio but implementing effects wherever deemed necessary. Due to this course, I am confident in 3 different editing software's - Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid, and Davinci Resolve - and I have developed research and referencing skills when it came to my analysis work. While on the course I have managed to make films of different genres such as action, comedy, documentary, and horror which have all contributed to improving my filmmaking skills and techniques. I have also developed skills which have helped with working with others, generating ideas, becoming more punctual and building more confidence within myself.


In my own time, I find myself practicing songs on multiple instruments such as guitar, bass, and piano. Not only has having music as a hobby been beneficial to me as a person, such as teaching me perseverance, building self-confidence, and improving my patience, but it allowed me to study music at a GCSE level, where I learned how beneficial music is to film and television, allowing me to implement one of my loved hobbies with my future career path. Furthermore, another one of my hobbies is videogaming. Especially when it comes to cinematic, story-telling games such as Detroit: Become Human, or The Last of Us, I find joy in immersing myself in the playable movie and it gives me inspiration on storylines when it comes to making my own films.


In the past, I have completed several work experience opportunities. This includes editing work experience for MMS-360 Media, which required me editing an advert for a financial business, capturing photos of the Canterbury film festival, specifically of performances from talented schools in the local area, and I was given the opportunity to meet and interview Arsenal Football Club's editing and live broadcasting team in Arsenal HQ, which allowed me to see how they edit their content and produce live interviews for fans. Going to Arsenal taught me that editing for sport, whether it is going on television or social media, is different to the editing that I am used to, due to the change of pace and information. It was interesting to me, and I find myself lucky that I was able to see it first hand with professionals.


As I have used editing as a creative output since I was young, I gain satisfaction from creating and viewing the final product. A career in post-production would be beneficial to me and I wish to develop my editing skills to a professional level so I can reach my goal. However, I also enjoy the innovative process of producing media so continuing to explore cinematography and improving my camerawork skills would be an incredible opportunity while continuing growing my editing skills to a proficient level.


As an enthusiastic individual, I am determined to explore film and television production at higher, professional level - specifically in post-production - within an inspiring and innovative environment. I hope you consider my application to your university, and I look forward to hearing from you.

My Final University Choices:


Digital Film Production - Ravensbourne University London

Filmmaking - University of Sussex

Film and Media - University of Kent

Film Production and Cinematography - Bournemouth University

Television Production - University of Westminster, London



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Firm and Insurance Choices:


Student Finance:


Looking into a Gap Year:​


One of my 5 Top Pathways included a Gap Year. I wanted to make sure I have a plan that I could take in case I decide that university would not be the choice for me or if I want to focus on something else before continuing education, so I investigated having a gap year.

The positives of having a gap year would be that I would be in work and earning money ready for university or other plans. It also allows me to take a break from education before working hard to earn my degree.


The negatives of having a gap year are the feeling that I would lose my motivation and not do as well as in university due to not being used to doing coursework as much. I have a feeling that I might forget important things.


What are some things I can do on my gap year?


The first thing I could do is work. This would be having a job over the year to save up money for university. At the moment, I work in retail in a shop. This is something that I could do on my gap year as well. 


Another thing I could do is travel. A lot of students choose to travel on their gap year and as travelling is one of my interests, I would love to go traveling around the UK, or even another country if I get the chance. Luckily, most travel websites have student discount offers. For exampkle, a website called Student Beans has a whole page on Travel student discounts. This includes 20% off a digital railcard using trainline, 10% of flights using Ryanair, 15% National Express discount and more. 







Another path I can take on my gap year is going for a TEFL course. TEFL stands for Teach English as a Foreign Language. This means that you can learn how to teach English to foreign students who wish to learn the language. Not only does this allow experience to build up teaching, but it also allows you to travel the countries that you're teaching in. Looking on the website, it does cost money to go through the courses to receive the qualification, but you earn money from employers if you find work after you graduate. 







Volunteering is another path I can take. A lot of students choose to volunteer locally or even abroad to build up their CV, yet to also travel the location they are volunteering in. I did some quick research to see what volunteering options there are and found this website called "GoAbroad". This website shows a load of volunteering programs across different countries for all different types of jobs. For example, in South Korea you can volunteer in Busan at an English Café, yet in Italy, you can volunteer among top researches to boat sail around the Naples researching Dolphins. Not only will you be exploring the world, but you'll be doing something positive like volunteering at the same time, which will feel rewarding and satisfying. 


Looking into Apprenticeships:​


Even though it's not a pathway I see myself taking, I still want to look into Apprenticeships so I have a backup option to my previous pathways that I have looked into. 


An Apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee learns about the job and gains valuable experience while working. A lot of benefits come with an apprenticeship depending on the company but most include paid holiday, 20% off the job training, and a formal assessment which leads to a nationally recognised qualification. The apprenticeship I would look into is a Film or Television Production one where I would gain skills and experiences around that sector. 


The BBC offers a production apprenticeship where you'll get experience with our BBC production teams making world-class content for our audiences on radio, TV or digital platforms. Depending on the chosen placement area, it offers experience like coming up with ideas and stories for content, providing logistical support to productions or learning how to use technical equipment and specialist software. The apprenticeship offers a starting salary of £19,500, a 35-hour working week, 25 days of annual leave, opportunities to apply for internal vacancies and an industry recognised apprenticeship qualification in production. 


The requirements include:









Unfortunately, at the time of writing this, the applications were closed until Autumn 2023 however I am sure you'll have to apply through a form using the Apprenticeship website.

bbc apprentice.PNG



Another apprenticeship I found is for Channel 4 Studios as a Production Apprentice. 






This particular apprenticeship is for entry level workers such as people who have just left school and do not have a degree. The apprenticeship requires no qualifications however, it does require some skills which are in the following:

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To apply, you have to fill out their forms and sign up to their website. This includes submitting all your information, contact details and experience with film and tv. 

Relevant Creative Jobs:


While researching what I want to do after college, I decided to look into going straight into work. I found this video editing job online for a Media company called Komi. The role they are offering is a "Video Editor" position located in Manchester, United Kingdom. 


The requirements for this job include having video editing and sound recording knowledge, background in social media or a create background, naturally proactive and quick learner, have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to work effectively as a team and as an individual, flexibility and initiative and the ability to prioritise and cope with last minute changes. They don't seem to have any preference of qualification, they seem to just want experience. 


For this job, they are offering £21,000 to £29,000 salary, 33 days annual leave, private medical insurance, able to take birthdays off, flexible schedule, working from home, early finish Fridays, employee discounts and a dog friendly office. 


To apply, they just ask for your first name, surname, email address, phone number and CV/Resume. 


If I were to apply to this job, here is what I would do:

apply komi.PNG



For future jobs, I will need a CV. A CV, also known as Curriculum Vitae, is a tool that helps show who you are and what you can offer to an employer. Here is what I produced as a CV. 

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